Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cold and rainy, but no more class this week!

The weather has been really cold these past few days! When I go out at night, I have to layer most of my clothes. Haha, not really, but it is really cold, and when I left for class this morning, there was a cold drizzle of rain. Perfect. But there's no more class this week, after economics later today.

I'm writing now from the library on campus, which is really crowded with students, many of whom seem to be hurrying to finish assignments. I was in there shoes yesterday, when I came with my literature group to finish our handout on Mark Twain's A Tramp Abroad. The presentation went really well! There was a lot of partcipation, which I had been told not to expect. We also talked about our class excursion to Rothenfels this weekend - we will get to stay in a youth hostel in a castle! And our professor instructed some of the students to bring beer for the first night, which I found hilarious. Apparently students and teachers drink together here, which will be a new experience for me, and probably delightful.

A funny moment in language class today, when Dr. R. brought in menus for us to look at, and one of the boys took the phrase "Wiener Art, " describing a method of cooking schnitzel, literally. Of course, in German it means "in the style of the Viennese," which I think he knew, but we all had a laugh. He said, "I like it, but I don't think it's art."

Tonight is Stammtisch, which I'm looking forward to. Last week, I spoke at length with a Russian-German student who is studying political science at Uni Würzburg. He knew a lot, and explained the origins of the economic crisis for me, tracing it back to a Roman king, haha. I think the new students at our dorm (yes, there are students newer than us!) are going to come. They're MBA students from Christ University in Bangalore, India. I went to the Wine Fest with some of them, and we had a lot of fun.


  1. Drinking with the lecturer like the event at Rothenfels is not that common. But it is common to go out for some pints with your class weekly. We usually go out not to get desperately drunk but to be social.
