Whose idea was it to arrive at 5 am??

Old Town Square, early in the morning, on the way to our hostel. At this point, we still thought we would be able to check in and crash.

The fascinating Astronomical Clock. Right across it was the alley which we went through to reach our hostel.

Then we found out that we couldn't check in until 2 pm, but we could come back in a few hours and crash in their rec room.

Wandering around the Old Town in a fog of exhaustion, but it's so beautiful!

Allowed back in the hostel, crashing in the rec room.

Finally allowed into our eight-person room! D is frantic with relief, V is already passed out.

B was my bunk mate. By the end of the trip, his stuff was strewn all around his bottom bunk, so that I could see every article he brought with him, and couldn't reach my top bunk, haha.

I decided not to nap with the others, so the other B (I'm using initials for their anonymity, but it's getting confusing because everyone has B or J names) and I went to explore the Old Town. After it started sprinkling, we took shelter at a cafe, where I recharged with tiramisu and cappuccino.

Prague Castle just after sunset - we went the next day.

View of Charles Bridge, spanning the Vltava River.

B and I walking along Charles Bridge.

Lunch the next day... goulash in a bread bowl! The food was good and cheap, but the service horrible.

A small mug of the dark Czech beer. Yummy.

At the open-air bazaar in the Old Town.

V and D got handmade silver necklaces with their names, courtesy of this guy.

Lovely D sitting in one of our hostel windows.

We climbed the hill up to Prague Castle. We're all sweaty because we accidentally took the hardest possible path, kind of through a jungle, instead of the nice paved path we later took on the way down.

Entering Prague Castle.

Beautiful Gothic St. Vitus Cathedral inside Prague Castle.

Gorgeous rose window.

Detail of the clock tower.
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